Competition Details

It’s #bikinibodybling Insta Video Competition time again! Stand a chance to WIN a R3000 bikini voucher.

How to enter:

Take a video of yourself wearing your MAGIC BIKINI on SHOW DAY – or on any day that you’re all glammed up… that means MAKE-UP ON and in your Magic Bikini. We must see all of you, your bikini, and of course the bling… and you MUST BE GLAMMED UP!

✨ Film a selfie or get a buddy to help you. You can simply do a selfie bikini reveal – or film your posing routine…or just do something fun and funky.

✨ Post the video to your instagram profile feed and tag us @magicbikinis in the video so that we get notified of your entry.

✨ You actually need to tag us in the video and not just write @magicbikinis somewhere in the text. That doesn’t notify us of your post!

✨ Also, put #bikinibodybling in the beginning of your text – very important!!! Don’t forget that part. Otherwise, your entry won’t be considered.

Last step:
Because everyone has different amounts of followers – to even the playing field and keep it all fair – We will share your video to OUR page feed and tag you.

✨Your videos will be judged by the views, likes, shares and saves (ON OUR MAGICBIKINIS MAIN FEED ONLY) that it receives from OUR FOLLOWERS – so send your followers to our page to like, view, share and save your video.

✨Remember – you want people to be attracted to your video… and watch it a lot – so make it fun and different…SMILE, LAUGH, SPARKLE, SHINE!

✨It’s views from our sharing of your post to our own page that will get you the win, so get creative!

This is an annual competition, the owner of the video with the most views and likes throughout the current year will win a ZAR3000 custom bikini voucher from Magic Bikinis. The winners will be announced on Tuesday 12 December 2023.

*Prize voucher is not redeemable for cash.
*Terms and conditions apply.

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